provides reviews of private businesses in Varadero Cuba. Our team also visits hotels in Varadero as normally paying guests. We do not accept invitations to hotels under any circumstances. We accept submission requests exclusively from private business owners in Varadero, these can include:
• Casa particulares – Private Accommodations
• Paladares – Private Restaurants
• Private businesses of any other type
**At this time we do not accept government owned businesses for submission. These businesses will be included when we visit them.
If you would like to include your private business (autonomo), please complete the form below and we will contact you. Once we have contacted you, one of our collaborators will visit you. You may submit to him/her the text, images and promotional literature you wish to show our website visitors. People who visit your business can then post comments and reviews under your listing.
Your listing will look similar to THIS The cost for including your business is FREE and will continue to be FREE FOREVER. Our goal is to assist as many private entrepreneurs in Cuba to obtain revenue from visiting tourists to Cuba as is possible.
Thanks Team